- In your opinion, what are the intentions of the work?
- The intention of the work seems to be how changing the frame changes what you see in it
- the meaning (why) is not clear
- why is the sound important?
- what is being communicated?
- The pixels are changing the image
- The meaning is not understood yet, it seems quite vague. We understand what to do but now why?
- distortion is created
- Makes you more aware of framing devices
- Alters your perception of the same image
- How is the design/visual language facilitating communication and interpretation?
- The piece is interacting and allowing the viewer to participate becoming playful, therefore, makes people more engaged and wanting to join
- it’s framing the space
- contemporary medium / old medium -> why where they used?
- is there reason to be black and white? is it to be less distracting and for the viewer to focus more on the effect?
- How could the intentions of the work be better implemented?
- Hoe does scale change the frame? ( Maybe you could play with that )
Main Figure and character of the kind of the frame. - Experimenting with more contrasting filters could alter over our perception of image more.
- Experiment with more theme than just frame is order to be more obvious are you continuing with the theme space as frame?
- Having two different machines invites a comparison between the two.
* Kurt Schwitters, Okola, 1926
Kurt Schwitters: Color & Collage Princeton University Art Museum through June 26, 2011 Valery Oisteanu
VIDEO ROOM 1000 COMPLETE MIX — All 1000 videos seen in sequential order! – YouTube
“Sandbox” at Santa Monica Beach (2010) by Rafael Lozano-Hemmer on Vimeo
* Kinetic Art
HD Ultimate Kinetic Art Compilation – YouTube
Personal Opinion
Observing what they are talking. Through them/their language and talk audience. Invisible -> visible
* How to generate a communication/conversation between image and audience. Which means image talk without the designer -> audience receive -> audience reply -> finally I can witness all the process.
* What is the motion of the frame?
* What is the characteristic feature of the frame. I mentioned 3 feature. 1. manifestation 2. configuration 3. emancipation
- Profile -> self-manifestation. Being a frame
- How frame moves
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