The age of the World Picture Essential Phenomena of modernity
- Science
- Machine Technology
- Artwork becomes an object of experience ( art’s moving into the purview of aesthetics) [ Eriebens ]
- Human action is understood and practised as Culture.and then becomes the politics of culture5. Loss of the gods. [ Entgötterung ]
To grasp the essence of contemporary science we must first free ourselves of the habit of comparing modern with older science – from the perspective of progress – merely in terms of degree.
The essence of what is today called science is Research, which consists in the fact that knowing establishes itself as a procedure ( requires an open region within which it operates) within some real of beings in nature or history. The experiment is only possible where knowledge of nature has already transformed itself into research. The observation directed toward knowledge until medieval with number and measure.
Maybe it is because there was the God and the answer embarked in nature.
p64 By this term is to be understood, first of all, that phenomenon whereby a science, whether natural or humanistic, in order to achieve proper recognition today as a science is required to be capable of being institutionalised. Similarly, in historical research,. the stock of sources only becomes usable when the sources themselves are verified by historical explanation.
methodology → possibilities of procedure
What is going on in the spread and entrenchment of the institutional character of the sciences? Nothing less than the establishment of the precedence of methodology over the beings (of nature and history) which, at a particular time, are objectified in research.
The university is that it is an establishment which still, in a unique way, on account of its administratively self-contained form, makes possible and visible both the fragmentation of the sciences into the specialities and the peculiar unity of constant activity.
The name of University course determine the character of the knowledge
Science as research first arrives when, and only when, the truth has transformed itself into the certainty of representation. It is in the metaphysics of Descartes that, for the first time, the being is defined as the objectness of representation, and the truth as the certainty of representation.
- the interplay between subjectivism and comparable objectivism
- individualism
Man first time, became a subject. Man becomes the referential centre of beings as such. Being as a whole. When we inquire the modern world, we characterise this by contrasting it with the “World picture” of the Middle age and of antiquity. “World” serves a name for being in their entirety ( not confined to the cosmos, to nature).
World defined the interpretation by the human being. Comparing the ancient world with modern means, comparing the subject matter of the human’s point of view.
Heidegger, M. et al. (2002) Heidegger: Off the Beaten Track. Cambridge University Press.
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